Beyond PageSpeed: Using Load Testing and RUM to boost performance.

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  • Core web vitals

    Google's performance metrics.

  • Real-user monitoring

    Real-time customer performance data.

  • Load time trends

    Page load time for all browsers.

  • Load sequences

    Waterfall timing for every visit.

  • Caching hints

    See assets that need caching.

  • Unlimited Seats

    Invite your whole team.

  • Discoverable filters

    Filter traffic to find interesting visitors.

  • User identification

    Find slow users.

  • Vendor analysis

    Discover the third-parties slowing you down.

Premium Performance Monitoring

Serious web performance for fast-growing businesses

You depend on your SEO ranking and pagespeed to be competitive and turn traffic into revenue. Get full access to our performance tools and trending data.


High volume requirements

Our team is ready to support you. Let's figure out how to make your site fast.


Speed up all your clients

Need to manage a lot of sites at a lower rate? Chat with our team about agency affiliation and discounts.

Sloth looking at Rocket prices.
The engineering team behind this make Request Metrics an incredible value. I cannot recommend enough.
David Jacobs
David Jacobs
Web Dev Manager, Axos Bank

Pricing FAQ

What is a page view?

A Page View is a visit to a page by an end-user, similar to what you see with other analytics tools. When the user navigates to another page, another Page View is recorded.

Single Page Applications and PWAs may show multiple views to the user within a single page view. A page view is only counted for a full load of the DOM.

How many sites can I monitor?

In Request Metrics, a “website” is a set of traffic that we attach notifications, configuration, permissions, and billing limits to. There are no domain limits on it — some customers combine lots of domains together into a single site, others break out a domain into lots of different sites so that traffic can be billed and alerted separately.

Each site requires it's own subscription level, so you can mix and match based on your usage. Maybe you have your main store on the Professional Plan, and your test sites are Starter or Free.

Do you have more than 10 sites or lower usage levels? We have agency plans with lower limits and discounted rates. Contact us for details!

How do I monitor multiple websites?

With Request Metrics, you can monitor unlimited websites by creating additional Sites. Each site is a separate subscription, billed together under your account. Sites also have their own settings and permissions so you can pick the right setup for your team.

How do you process my credit card?

Hey, we get it. You don't totally trust us yet. That's cool. Not to worry though, all our credit card transactions are processed with Stripe Checkout. When it's time to subscribe, you'll be redirected to their secure platform to make payment. We never see or touch your credit card details.

What happens if I exceed the limits of my plan?

If a site exceeds its page limit, you will not see any additional charges. We will note that additional pages have occurred in the UI, but they will not be recorded. Request Metrics will intelligently sample your traffic to the limit of your subscription.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Things happen and it might not work out. Request Metrics plans have no commitment, you can cancel at any time directly in the site. You don't even have to talk to us.

Cancellations will apply at the end of your current billing cycle. We cannot refund payments made.

Can you add a feature for me?

Maybe, it depends. Request Metrics is customer driven, and we build tools and features that help our customers. Understanding your needs is important to getting it right.

But Request Metrics won't be everything to everyone. We focus on building simple, fast, and easy tools that solve particular problems. If your feature idea fits our vision, we'd love to build it for you. Let us know!

I have more questions

That's not a question, but we're at your service all the same. Contact us anytime and we'll do all we can to help.