Discover the resources and vendors slowing you down
Find the oversized images, sluggish vendors, and complicated script bundles that slow down your website.

Sell more stuff
User's stay longer and purchase more from fast websites and stores. Fast images and resources will keep your website fast and users happy, so they buy more things.
Less developer time
Point your developer team right at the problem with our reports and reduce engineering time from hours to minutes.
Fix problems fast
Get notified of performance problems before Google notices or rankings are impacted.
Big, Slow, or Blocking Resources
Quickly discover the resources that are too big, too slow, or blocking the rest of your website from loading as fast as it could.

Find the pages impacted
Quickly find the pages where big, slow, and blocking resources are used to get to the root cause of performance problems in minutes.
Fix unexpected large images
That blog post doesn't need a 3 MB header image, does it? Find those unexpected giant images before they slow down your scores.
Remove performance blockers
Find the complex JavaScript and blocking CSS that's slowing down your site.

Request Metrics helped me quickly identify and resolve a crippling performance issue.

Know the performance of your third-parties and vendors
Understand the performance impact and costs of all your third-party vendors and external JavaScript, and respond quickly when it changes.

Realtime dependencies
Continuously updated list of everything your website depends on, right now.
Vendor performance impact
Understand the performance cost and trade-offs for every vendor you add to your website.
Discover caching problems
Find opportunities to boost performance with better caching and compression controls.
Request Metrics showed us all the unused marketing pixels and vendor rubbish that was slowing down our users.

New and Changed Resources
Accurate listings of all the images, scripts, and third-parties that have been added or removed from your website. Stay on top of changes that can impact your performance.

Audit website changes
Get a full list of all the resources added and removed from your website everyday.
Know about new vendors
Stay informed when vendors are added or removed from your websites tag managers.
See impact of resources
Know when important and slow resources get added or removed from your site.